2024 Practice Information
Swimmers are assigned by the coach to specific groups based on age, ability and experience. Inexperienced, lower skill level swimmers may be assigned to a lower age group until adequate skills and development take place. Advanced swimmers may be placed in a group above their age group by a coach if it is felt to be beneficial.
Age Groups: 6 & Unders / 7-8 years
1. Five to eight years of age (approximately).
2. Forty-five minutes workouts for 6 & Unders, one hour workouts for 7-8 years of age, five days per week.
3. Emphasis on teaching four competitive strokes*, starts and turns.
4. Emphasis on installing strong team spirit and fun. *6 & Unders do not compete in breaststroke or butterfly.
Age Groups: 9-10 / 11-12 years
1. One hour workouts for 9-10 years of age and one hour and fifteen minutes for 11-12 years of age, five days per week.
2. Increase emphasis on stroke mechanics, training, flexibility, strength development and endurance.
3. Emphasis will be placed on proper practice habits and team spirit.
Age Groups: 13-14 / 15-18 years
1. Highest workout group, team members at least twelve years of age.
2. One hour and fifteen minute workouts, five days per week.
3. Emphasis placed on improving stroke mechanics, starts and turns, strength and endurance.
4. Swimmers consistently show good effort and positive attitude at practice.
5. Possess a high level of team spirit and leadership.
6. Group members will be expected to set individual performance goals and work toward that goal achievement.