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How To Volunteer

1.Go to https://woodcreek.swimtopia.com/

2.Log in to the website in the upper right corner

3.Click the Meet Info tab

4.Select Events

5.Scroll down to the event that you would like to volunteer for and click Job Signup to the right

6.Under the volunteer’s name, select Sign up for Jobs

7.You will see all jobs that you are able to sign up for. Once selected, click Save Assignments. Please note that you will not be able to see every job we have for a normal dual meet. You will only be able to see certain jobs if you have been specifically trained for them.

8.If you cannot work that shift you signed up for or made a mistake, click Sign up for Jobs and un-select the job you would like to be removed from.

For questions, feel free to email [email protected]

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